What is Dentophobia? How to Understand Dentophobia?

What is Dentophobia (Fear of the Dentist)?

Commonly known as dentist fear dentophobia can occur in people of all ages. People with dentophobia are afraid of the dentist and their equipment used in dentistry. Fear and insecurity start to increase from the appointment, reaching a peak when waiting in the clinic or the office.

Generally speaking, when an anxiety affects one’s own health, it is called a phobia. Dentophobia can vary from person to person, and the effect on the patient can be mild or severe. Patients with severe phobia may want to avoid even a simple examination.

Dentophobia, It can occur due to many factors. The phobia towards dental treatments and the dentist can be understood by the following symptoms;

  • If conditions such as palpitations, facial flushing, itching occur when dental health problems are considered
  • If you experience anxiety, sweating and tremors when it is learned that it is necessary to have an examination
  • Feeling nauseous or having difficulty swallowing

What are the Causes of Dentophobia?

Fear of dentists can be for many reasons. Dentophobia may occur due to excessive pain or pain during treatment as a result of a previous dental problem. In this case, the brain may create a prejudice against the dentist and the patient starts to ignore oral and dental health.

The discomfort can be advanced due to the traumas that occurred as a child. Also, dentophobia can occur as a result of negative treatment from the dentist. Bad experiences of someone else can also affect the patient.

Even dental videos and film sections can have a negative effect on the patient. Watching a dental exam scene can be terrifying in the patient’s eyes. The appearance of the equipment used can also cause phobia. The needle used during the anesthesia process before the treatment can be defined as the most difficult process in psychological terms.

How Does The Fear Of The Dentist Correct?

Fear of dentists If the problem is severe, a good psychologist may be consulted before starting the dental examination. Cognitive behavioral therapy or hypnosis can be used to overcome the phobia. The important thing here is how the patient will respond to the treatment.

Choosing a good dentist is also important in terms of overcoming your phobia. Your dentist may have a different treatment method for patients with phobia. The physician who will make you feel good psychologically, you can overcome this process and act more confidently.

There are many relaxation techniques to deal with stress. By applying these methods, you can keep bad thoughts away and minimize your anxiety level. You can relax your muscles with the right breathing exercises.

Dental health is not an issue to be neglected. You will not only lose the health of your teeth due to teeth that are not treated in time. Many health problems, from digestive system disorders to cardiovascular diseases, may occur as a result of the loss of oral and dental health.

Remember, thanks to a good dentist, it is always possible to overcome your fear and achieve healthy dental and oral health.


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    Hey, you have shared very nice information.
    In my opinion, Dentophobia is a fear of visiting the dental specialist. Numerous patients do get slightly nervous with regards to visiting, but this is a different situation.

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