Joint and Tightening Problems

Joint and clenching problems , bruxism known as. Clenching problems it is mostly caused by stress. The stress experienced in daily life causes squeezing of teeth while sleeping without realizing it.

Clenching problems can cause many different problems. The simplest indicator is the pain felt in the mornings.

You too To treat your joint and tooth problems in Bodrum if you want immediately Online appointment or by phone you can make an appointment.

Who Have Joint and Tightening Problems?

Tooth clenching problem It is usually observed in people whose lower and upper jaw structures are incompatible. However, the biggest reason is the stress experienced by the person in his / her work and private life. This problem can be observed in adults as well as children.

Causes Joint and Tooth Tightening Problems in Children?

Joint and clenching problems occur due to various health problems, especially in children under 5 years old.

Children also experience various joint and clenching problems due to reflux, chronic sinusitis, nasal obstruction, intestinal parasite, hyperactivity and attention disorder. Younger children respond faster to treatment.

What Causes Joint and Tightening Problems?

Headache, jaw and facial pain are the most common problems. After a certain period of time, damage to the jaw joint bones and cartilages may occur. Various problems may occur during eating. Difficulty may begin in simple functions such as opening and closing the mouth. As a result of not treating problems in the jaw joint, jaw mass and similar serious health problems may occur.

What is the Treatment of Joint and Tightening Problems?

Various materials are used for joint and tooth tightening treatment. Thanks to these materials, individuals can get rid of the problems they experience at night. For people with complicated problems in the jaw joint orthodontic treatments is implemented.

What are Nighttime Tooth Protectors?

In the treatment of joint and clenching problems The harmony of individuals is of great importance. Night record With the help of and similar products, the problems experienced at night are minimized. These plates aim to reduce the contact of the upper and lower jaws.

In addition to dental plaques, nowadays, dental protective appliances is also used. Dental protective appliances are produced specially for the mouth size of the person and have a transparent appearance. These dental protective appliances aim to reduce the contact of the lower and upper jaw like dental plaques.

To the chewing muscle Botox The method of reducing involuntary rigid contraction with its application was the most popular method today. Massetter We can prevent involuntary contractions that can also occur during the day by weakening the activity of the chewing muscle, which we call, with botox.

Is There Any Damage of Dental Protective Plates?

There is no harm in using dental plaques and appliances. Since these products are produced individually, they are fully compatible with the mouth and chin structure.

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