Is tooth extraction a painful procedure?

Does it hurt to have a tooth extracted?

Tooth extraction is definitely not a painful and painful procedure in the hands of experienced dentists in today’s conditions. Tooth extraction with local anesthesia methods is performed completely painlessly for the patient.

How is Tooth Extraction Done?

Before the tooth extraction procedure, the area where the tooth will be extracted should be anesthetized with local anesthetic injection. During the extraction of wisdom teeth, general anesthesia can be applied because the feeling of pain may be higher. The procedure is continued by applying the following steps to the anesthetized tooth;

  • If necessary, the gum surrounding the tooth and the bone tissue reached are cut by the dentist.
  • With the help of a holder called forceps, the tooth is grasped and the tooth is moved in forward and backward positions in order to loosen the bonds between the jaw bone that keeps the tooth fixed. Tooth extraction, which cannot be performed in a single move, can also be completed with shredding processes.

Bleeding after tooth extraction is a natural result. A blood clot occurs in the cavity formed by shooting. The dentist intervenes in the bleeding area with gauze.

Structure and Duties of Teeth

Tooth structure in medicine; It is defined as a combination of enamel, dentin, cementum, tooth roots and pulp. The teeth are positioned suspended from the upper and lower jaw bones with a special joint structure and fibers. Teeth that do not have a mobile structure from the outside are completely alive, even though they look lifeless. They go through a process of change and development with us. The teeth structure and the functions of the jaw are as follows;

  • It helps the digestive system by breaking down foods with chewing movements. Smaller pieces of food are more easily digested with enzymes, thus accelerating the digestion process.
  • It pioneers their development by protecting the supporting tissues around them.
  • Sufficient and good teeth help us to pronounce letters better when speaking. The effect of teeth on voice is more clearly understood by the pronunciation problems that occur when people using dentures remove the prosthesis.

Why is a tooth extracted?

If the tooth causes psychological and physical problems to the patient, it may need to be extracted. Generally, the reasons for tooth loss are as follows;

  • The decay in the tooth is not able to heal even with treatment methods and reaches deeper than necessary
  • Infections that occur around the tooth and its surroundings cause major damage and damage to the jawbone surrounding the tooth.
  • Loss of support, shaking and not giving results to treatment due to periodontal diseases
  • Problems in the root, inability to intervene in the canals with root canal treatment and no results even if applied.
  • Having an incurable orthodontic problem (crowding of teeth)
  • Having impacted teeth in the wrong place, in the wrong position

Things to Consider After Tooth Extraction

After tooth extraction, there are some points to be considered in order to prevent the risk of infection. We can list them as follows;

  • It should not be tampered with with wounds, tongue or germ contaminants in the extracted area.
  • There should be little talk for 2 or 3 days after the application
  • After tooth extraction, the mouth should be rinsed with water throughout the day.
  • Spitting should be avoided
  • Chewing should not be performed with the tooth extraction area.
  • A soft toothbrush should be used
  • In cases such as swelling and pain, it should be acted on the advice of the dentist, and approved painkillers should be drunk.
  • If the dentist recommends, hot tampons should be applied to the area.

To have a dental examination in Bodrum, right from our website Online appointment you can create. If you have questions, you can reach us on Whatsapp.


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